Goals for our future …

The job of our governing body is the oversight of operations to ensure this organization will remain a part of our community for future generations. It is a constant challenge – bills have to be paid and there is a continuous list of necessary maintenance and upgrades to be addressed. The Board of directors and all committee members work strictly on a volunteer basis. Our grounds and buildings are in place to serve as a venue for us to continue our good works in the community. Simply put, we are not a for profit business where anyone benefits from revenue earned – it all goes for either upkeep of our facilities or back to the community. With the help of some very talented local musicians we are raising funds to build a stage and improve sound and lighting at the PA Club. This will be well utilized by the bands that come to play, but also much needed for the many fundraisers and memorial services that we host. We will be starting a capital campaign to to pave our parking lot which is a necessity to maintain our insurance. This, undoubtedly, will come at a huge expense. We look to our members and friends for their continued support in our efforts to tackle the repaving project and pending maintenance that we face in the coming months. Our appreciation for your donations and time is beyond words – it is all of you that make it possible. We thank you for giving as we continue to give.